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Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 Betty has something negative to say about every subject she touched on. 

*doctors refuse to treat her kidney stone (much greater detail)
*doctor not prescribing thus 'n such (much greater detail)
*she does not think she has shingles in her eye, doctor misdiagnosed, needs to get a new doctor
*she should go to down towards Philly, because they have better doctors there, than her
*she should go to dentist (great detail about toothache)
*I do not remember what all are ailments are ~more ills than Carter's got pills.

I was not adding to the conversation; when Brenda was gone, Betty starts in on political stuff. Open borders, they are letting them all in, they set fires, they are slow, due to it being so hot there, it is ingrained (I do not recall the word she used) in them. Guns are not a problem, my family hunts...

...oops. I lost my temper, raised my voice: NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE AWAY GUNS. Gop propaganda. I know Democrats who hunt, and have pistols, two-son-laws own them. I was looking straight into her eyes. I had stood up, looking through multiple boxes for pieces. Brenda & I pass the boxes back between us; was easy to scan them all standing, without standing over her shoulder. But, Betty, interjects: they are killing people.

They? The last two shooters were old white men,. one was 85. They play their music too loud. "I want to go out and play music loud, so they can see how it sounds." On & on she goes with her negativity. I should have said: Judge not, lest ye be judged. Or Love thy neighbor, much?

She started her conversation with Brenda by saying something about "her, Lord." Like, "I am right with my Lord, but..." That is, I assume, she is not afraid to die, but does not want to live in pain.

After she left Brenda said she told her she does not need a physician, she needs a psychiatrist. I do not picture Brenda saying that; maybe she simply thought of saying it? I would agree.

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