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Friday, February 11, 2011

Theory, Speculation, or Ideals

Level-headed, efficient, and useful rather than governed by theory, speculation, or ideals.

I suppose I need to look up definitions of theory, speculation or ideals before commenting, eh.

I used to say I tested all Biblical admonishments and found them to be, um, useful? True? Well the sentence is not quite accurate. Nor is my memory. Can not even come up with an example, um...

"See the lilies of the field..."?

"Thou shalt not lie", that one is easy, "The truth beats all the lies you can invent", "the truth shall set you free", "oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." I truly do not remember how I tested Bible theory, just know I did. But not hardly "all" the stuff I read in the Hebrew/Christian Bible.

I definitely have high ideals. Impossibly high. Someone recently, very recently, told me I was an intellectual snob, with all due respect, of course. A snob? Moi? He knows I was homeless, how much of a snob could I be? I graduated in the middle of my high school class of 600 some or was that 300 plus. That is hardly the mark of someone of high intellect. Yet...

...the guy was sort of correct. I expect U.S. citizens to live up to my ideals, not realizing that many would not have the intelligence to do so. I have been dismayed at most jobs due to the lack of ethics among co-workers and even upper management. So despite thinking of myself as practical I am also idealistic.

You know the song, "you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

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