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Friday, May 28, 2010

House Rules and Regulations

Beasley Investments, L.P. House Rules and Regulations:

Noise and Conduct

3. Resident shall ensure that all musical instruments, television sets, stereos, radios, etc., are played at a volume which will not disturb other persons or tenants.

A bit after 7PM last night it sounded like I had a playing piano in my great room. Tinkling ivories bouncing off the walls and floating across the ceiling. Now I like pianos ~ great when at a club ~ not that I go to clubs anymore ~ or wedding or anywhere that the room is big, so sound is evenly distributed, even if it is as loud as neighbor's music was.

Add to that mix the constant loud talking neighbor lives directly across from me ~ thrilling me with details of his diarrhea, bed-wetting, adult diapers, Ralph's club points, amount of gas bill, cell phone issues, how much he loves Bill ~ when he is not threatening to never speak to Bill again ~ much use of the F-word ~ and I have been to known to use that one myself ~

~ after 4 days of cops Bill was evicted and I thought I would have peace once again; wish they had evicted his friend Chris at the same time.

Now, I can tolerate all the shouting ~ sports watching cheering, yeah, go Lakers! Backyard BBQ's, holiday parties, music and talking ~ put up with it ~ knowing it will be ending and is a once in a while annoyance.

If I had a dollar for every time neighbor from hell violates the House Rules and Regulations ~ which we are required to sign, with warning of eviction if they are violated after 3 warnings ~ or something like that, I would have enough money saved for security deposit on another apartment.

After tolerating neighbor from hell's Karaoke blaring in his kitchen ~ and who plays Karaoke in their kitchen ~ he has a one bdrm. apt. ~ lots of space other than the small kitchen ~ the war movies bombs bursting in air, startling me just as I am drifting off to sleep, the radio blaring when he is taking his baths ~ sometimes simultaneously with the Karaoke music ~

~ and I used to like that repeated over and over again song ~ just not that loud ~ and his squeaky singing along as he baths ~ and hey, I do not have a pleasant singing voice, but then, I do not sing so loud my neighbors have to put ear plugs in to try to drown it out.

The only relief I have from John and Chris is putting ear phones in and turning up the volume so it is too loud for my own comfort.

No, I did not complain, until the night John kept me up for 24 hours ~ due to loud movie versus the BAM BOOM SWISHING or THUMP, THUMP, THUMPING music ~ lower volume, rather like Chinese water torture. And did not complain until John decided to peer in my kitchen window.

Manager hung up on me when I called to complain. Then did tell John to lower it. Said I have to call when this is happening. Well, manager was away for 4 days ~ so how could I call? I have been loathe to call ~ mgr. works days, John's volume goes steadily up.

So, I could not tolerate it a second more last night and called to complain. Manager said: "It is not even late yet." Gee, I do not see anything in Rule # 3 saying it is okay to disturb other people because it is not late yet. Then the man hung up on me.

The message is clear ~ manager does not want to do his job and enforce House Rules and Regulations ~ and I am bothersome to him. Almost makes me miss street living.

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