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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Homeless Can Vote

Was directed to the LA Blog today to read a post about registering homeless to vote. The blog post has a link to commentary by Mike Harden: "Homeless doubt their votes count for much" dated Tuesday, November 07, 2006. I did not link that here because so many news type article links become quickly inactive.

One person interviewed for the article observed that our Congress will vote themselves $30,000. a year raises and vote no to minimum wage increases. Someone should have stopped that practice of allowing people to vote for their own increases; especially when those people are unable to balance a budget. Senator Obama is the first person I hear mention taxpayers paying his salary. Paying their salaries makes us choose between seeing a doctor, buying food or putting gas in the car.

If you live in the LA area, Senator Obama's supporters are looking for help with getting homeless registered to vote in Santa Monica, Hollywood and Burbank. Link for info if you are able to help in that area. I had intended to do that when I started my Homeless for Obama blog. The short walk to the library is so painful I could not do it without help.

The estimates are that 1/3 of homeless are veterans of war. I know a lot of homeless vets. Long Beach was a Navy town and also is reported to have the best VA hospital in the Nation. I studied candidates and it was Obama's saying about homeless vets: America we can do better than that, that won my support for him.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

That was a great read on the LA's homeless blog. I read recently that there are over 800,000 homeless in America at any one given time. Think if they all voted in a concerted effort. They could change the tide of a close election and make a big difference in one that wasn't so close.