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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Rook

"The Rook" by Steven James  

A homeless man delivers an envelope to a couple in a motel room. 
A deranged homeless man commits suicide. 
 "...cruised past a group of homeless immigrants who stared blankly at our car from the curb.",

Action takes place in San Diego, California, but that scene could be anywhere USA. I "felt" the mood of the people sitting on the curb, grime silence, watching the world go by. 

On "immigrants, transients, the homeless,"  "The system doesn't care if a few vagrants or illegal aliens end up dead. The nameless don't make the news. To the system they don't exist." 

Not true in Long Beach, CA ~ mentions of homeless in local newspapers, often asked public's help to identify the person. Deaths of street people due to weather also make the news. 

At a funeral for a homeless man, someone remarked that he "did have family." I am assuming that meant the "Fifteen transient men and seven women..." who attended the funeral. 

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