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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

B Braun Lawsuit

B Braun lawsuit 

I had this page bookmarked for a long time. Decided not to inquire about joining the class action lawsuit. Want to get rid of bookmark. Might as post about it here.

My health insurance paid the bulk of my medical bills. What was not covered by them, was covered by the Health Network due to low income. Even when I mostly resided in Long Beach, when I visited or stayed on a temp basis with one of my daughters, I lived within 5 miles of the B Braun plant that is subject to class action lawsuit. 

There is no known cause of mantle cell lymphoma. The website claims Ethylene Oxide or ETO has been known to cause cancers including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. My mantle cell lymphoma is non-Hodgkins. 

Yet I do not know how attorneys can prove my cancer came from those emission? Can not turn back time, stay in Long Beach to see if the cancer would have developed, now can I.

I wondered how that daughter that sued J & J and won mega bucks due to female cancer that killed her mom, could prove that her mother actually used J & J powder for years.

Did she have receipts? Did she witness her mother applying the powder? It was explained that J & J knew an ingredient could cause cancer. Hospitals gave out free samples of the powder to new mothers. We all used it to powder baby bottoms. Well I never knew every new mother, just every new mom I knew. Did all those female babies develop female cancers? Doubtful.

Hey, maybe my mantle cell lymphoma came from J & J baby powder. Nah, I could not afford it, bought a cheaper store brand. 

Staying true to myself, if I think that daughter could not prove it, nor deserved to win the lawsuit, I am not pursuing it.

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