Thursday, December 13, 2012

America, You Sexy Bitch

America, You Sexy Bitch written by Meghan McCain and Michael Ian Black is subtitled  " A Love Letter To Freedom." The title turned me off when I saw the book on library's new non-fiction shelf. Seeing McCain, I thought it might be a memoir by Senator John McCain. Meghan would be disappointed that I not only would not recognize her if I saw her in public, I had no idea she is Senator McCain's daughter.

She is a self-described "God-fearing, gun toting, Republican" who embraces the gun culture. He usually votes Democrat, considers himself liberal, but is actually an Independent voter, who might be considered an atheist. Growing up in New Jersey, he writes that the only guns he saw growing up were on hanging from a  police officer's utility belt. He thinks the East Coast does not have a gun culture, thus does not understand love of guns. Obviously not a hunter ~ East Coast includes places like Pennsylvania and Maine where hunting is a big deal.

Michael was not serious about writing a book with Meghan, one of his Twitter friends, but she embraced his sleep deprived suggestion. That caused them to rent an RV and set off for a cross country trip to get to know "real Americans." They hired a driver who they called Cousin John.

After the first night when their driver (Cousin John) slept in the RV, Michael asks "Weren't you hot?"

"Man, this is nothing," he says. "I used to live in my car."

Later when Michael again offers John a "nice hotel room," with "Air-conditioning," John declines.

"Are you kiddin' me? I used to live in a van in a hundred and twenty-eight degrees in Southwest Texas," he said.

That experience may have been why Cousin John told them: "you guys are all caterpillars who are still living inside your own head; I'm a butterfly who lives anywhere I want to be"

Michael wrote: "Salt Lake City has two looks; door-to-door salesman or homeless guy."

There was mention of a homeless shelter, but I returned the book to library forgetting to check my many slips of paper used as bookmarks and did not see "page 39."

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