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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

61 Versus 105

My first hometown ~ New Brunswick, New Jersey ~ hit a record high temperature for New Jersey yesterday ~ 105 degrees. Out here in sunny, So Cal ~ 61 degrees, want to use this: WTF.
Technorati calls it Where's The Fire, anyway...

Growing up I remember seeing weather channel reports of 101, 103 degree temperatures in California. Florida had hot weather also, but do not recall it being quite that hot. That does not mean it was not ~ just how my memory works.

I can not say the temp ever went higher than 98 degrees while I lived in New Brunswick. That includes shore days ~ visiting the Atlantic ocean beaches. Atlantic water temp in N.J. was 75 degrees, article stated. The Pacific Ocean is warmer than the Atlantic ~ by a few degrees ~ which is why I like it better. If this keeps up the 'experts' will have to revise ocean temps to reflect a new reality.

The east coast ~ and when by that I mean, New Jersey/Pennsylvania where family lives ~ had a brutal winter ~ but with desert heat temps, wonder if the naysayers believe in global warming or at least climate change. Yes, I have family in other states, including Maine ~ but, hey, brutal winters are standard for Maine, eh.

Local paper promises warming up out here ~ yet here I am still indoors on computer ~ Wunderground thermometer says 61 degrees. Almost makes me wish I had taken a summer vacation back east to visit family I have not seen in 3 years.

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