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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Different Kind of Spare Change

This is way old news ~ from April. April was National Library Month. After visiting L.B. libraries just about every day for a year or so ~ do not think I was at a branch during April.

Fifth District Councilwoman, Gerrie Schipske hoped to collect spare change in her district's fourht annual Library Round-Up fundraiser. Her district includes the El Dorado and Bach library branches. The branches served 200,000 readers in 2009 or 13% of all Long Beach library usage, according to Schipske.

I wonder if the data is garnered via books, materials checked out and if it includes the number of people using the library computers. Homeless that use the computers do need a library card to do so. Main library downtown sees a lot of homeless during an average day ~ using computer for internet; reading newspapers, magazines, books, and, some sleeping.

Lincoln Park now has two port-a-pots which may have cut down on use of the library restrooms. Do not see as many homeless washing in them as there used to be.

I was with Ray Bradbury in protesting closing Main library due to leaky roof, repair costs. I also frowned closing Main on Sundays and cutting hours on all branches due to budget cuts. Yet reading about the number of citizens the library serves daily, seemed a very small fraction of our 1/2 million population. Tax dollars should probably be used to serve the majority.

Schipske hoped donated spare change would help purchase more library materials and the Round-up would spread to other districts.

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