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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wants to give me money

Did not do my early AM catnap at that restroom very often. Whatever that maintenance guy said had me worried. He had seemed quite understanding and compassionate as many of the Beach Patrol and other maintenance people are of the homeless. They overlook a lot. Perhaps he had mentioned that he was supposed to ask me to leave...dunno.

On one of those if I do not get some sleep I will keel over soaking wet cold mornings I did curl up for a nap. Along comes Harry. I do not remember his name anymore, so Harry will do. I had all my wet stuff hanging. He said he wanted to help me out; did I need any money. I used to tell everyone "no" when they asked. Du'oh, of course I needed money! I realized quickly just to say "yes". He wanted a favor in return for his help. I quickly put on my wet hooded sweatshirt and soaked coat, stuffed the other stuff in my backpack and was out the door.

It was pouring. I stood under the little overhang staring at the long walk across the parking lot, up the hill to the street trying to figure out where I could go. Fuming that I had just settled in for a bit of respite from the rain. That may have been the morning after the hurricane like or tornado winds. The water in the streets was so deep and wide at the curbs even trying to jump across them would land me in a puddle. The sidewalks were not much better.

He came out and apologized for insulting me. He handed me a $5.00 bill which I refused to take. No, no, he insisted, I am really sorry I said that to you, I want you to have it. I relented and took the bill and he promptly grabbed me to pull me back inside the rest room. I threw his bill on the ground and took off in the rain cussin' him as I went.

Eddie and the guys said I should report him. Yeah, right. His word against mine. Homeless lady sleeping illegally in the rest room...

That was my last catnap in pre-dawn restroom stalls. Doubt if I would recognize Harry if I saw him today. Back then I would see him now and then somewhere along the route. But even then I would confuse faces and never be sure (is he the one?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed how many "fine upstanding citizens" automatically assume that a homeless woman is willing to trade "favors" for money.

More than that, I'm disgusted that so many "fine upstanding members of the community" behave the way "Harry" did, yet it's the homeless who get frowned down upon.