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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tom A, Navy Viet Nam War Vet

Saw Tom A, Navy Viet Nam war vet the other day. He was sitting on the ground outside of a grocery store next to the exit. I do not know why I have a soft spot in my heart for Tom. We definitely had a few battles of words when I shared the streets with him. I guess the word would be: lovable. Not in the lovable way that Albert is~wrote "You Make My Heart Sing" after visiting Albert in the hospital where he lays not knowing who he is...

...not quite a vegetable, no longer on life support equipment, but I know he would not want to be there, like that. Both Viet Nam war vets~homeless~after productive lives, home owners, marriages failed, musically gifted and intelligent men. Alcohol is their mental relief and both probably have toked some weed. No hard drug use, though. Sad.

My sister's ex-husband is still homed, even though he went from just boozing (and managing to provide her with a home, worked hard~she seldom worked outside of the home) to using heroin. For some reason Tom always reminded me of my sister's ex who has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Viet Nam's long lasting effects on society. Iraqi war vets are joining that human cost or toll of war~many homeless, developing PTSD much sooner than the illness began affecting our Viet Nam vets.

I find it sad that so many females are supporting going into Iran with Senator Clinton. But then, they are probably those who are far removed from thee homeless...

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