Numbers that matched descriptions and what peg hook they belonged on were lost to me. I was scared out of my wits. To make matters worse I was having severe PTSD symptoms, but of course I did not know I had PTSD either. If the nurse had not decided I did not need to see a LCT, who knows where I would be...
...survived for a while making more crazy mistakes and when the car died just before Thanksgiving 1999, I was able to skate to the Queen Mary for my part time job. That memory thing was still a big issue and I suspect the young people that I worked with and the boss man himself found me a senile old lady or just without much intelligence. I loved working in a Florist~the creative part of it. Many happy memories of running across the parking lot carrying centerpieces, entering the Queen Mary through the service entrance, up stairs, rides on scary elevators and other stuff.
After the Bird Man taught me to feed the pigeons I bought disposable cameras (2-4-sale) and asked Jim to take a few pictures. He snapped a whole roll and most of them were similar to the one posted here with the Queen Mary in the background. I wanted some close ups and he wanted to be sure he captured the ship as he snapped. Most of the photo's were disappointing too much darkness. The Bird Man showed up and we were both disappointed that the film was gone so he could not take some photos~he is a professional photographer. Rather was one of the things he did in his homed days.
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