The building behind the tress is new construction in Long Beach. The area used to be a parking lot. The green construction fence used to be a hedge row, with a break to enter the parking lot. I spent a some time sitting on that little ledge that surrounds the palm trees, even in my homed days. It used to circle around the palm tress forming sort of a V-shaped green section. The Bike Station was moved to the left of this photo.
I often cut through that walkway that is no longer there heading to or from Long Beach Blvd which is east or right of the photo. Just a tiny shortcut. Farmer's Market Friday was held at the Promenade and bands always performed at the Fountain park. Crowded, I would sometimes sit on that ledge. I could not see the performers but could hear the music or wait there for an open port-a-pot.
Homeless would sometimes sit there to talk to the downtown or Fountain homeless crowd. When I started canning, I knew I could always find a couple of empty aluminum 40s thrown in among the plants. The new construction buildings look nice and it seems some of the condos are already occupied. I liked the old promenade better. I often wonder where all the people that slept there for years are today. I know Sonny died and Mike has an apartment. Have not seen Sammy since they blocked off the rest of the promenade and tore down the other spot where homeless sat. Never knew what it was. Two semi-circular walls, surrounded by a concrete ditch. Perhaps it once was a fountain. A concrete circle inside the walls. The "ditch" wall ledge was higher off the ground than the palm tree curb shown in this photo and wider.
I liked to sit there and read while listening to the Blues Cafe music. That parking lot was always full on weekend nights. The city said there plans would include adequate parking. I wonder about the added traffic to downtown area, especially Ocean Blvd. After the bars closed and the cars left, a few homeless would walk the empty lots, looking for lost change. Some would find bills and even rings at times. They also picked up empty aluminum cans left by the drivers. Do wish I had pictures of the old Long Beach. I can picture a constant walk I took in that area, but at a loss as to describing it.
Sort of like every thought I thought those days is still there and I see myself there now as if from above looking down at the scene.
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