Friday, September 28, 2007

Homeless Myths

When I think of myths, I think of ancient times and stories of imaginery creatures like unicorns or centaurs that were associated with the Greeks or Romans. Today people use the word myth to describe popular beliefs associated with a person or institution. Might read a headline such as: "Debunking Myths About The Catholic Church", which I actually did read recently. It was painfully obvious the author held some firmly held myths about the views or beliefs people have about the Catholic Church.

Another article dealt with stereotypes of Hispanic people. I think that author may have a mythical view, because I do not know a single person that would think: Hispanic when they see a bald headed person. Tattoo's also would not conjure up the same association. Maybe I am behind the times. Myths probably get started from stereotyping and passing off one's perceptions as truths.

If you read my "Change Please" article you know my favorites are "lazy and bum" in regards to homeless people. Homeless people are people whose home is the streets or do not have a key to a permanent structure to call home. There are all kinds of reasons people become homeless. Being homeless does not equal: lazy or bum. Laziness and bum-iness did not cause people to become homeless after the Depression or Civil War (or more recently hurricanes, fires and tornadoes).

A lot of words there, eh. Made a list of scribbled notes today from the Homeless and Police forum. One of the forum speakers mentioned one of those widely spread myths about homeless people. If a public official said it, it must be true:

Homeless people "Choose not to avail themselves of services". Where is all that money going if homeless people are not availing themselves of existing services? Du'oh.

Posted on Saturday, June 2, 2007

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