Sunday, November 18, 2007

Homeless & Hungry Awareness Week?

I was not aware, until I saw an announcement about a little march around Long Beach in yesterday's Press Telegram. That is what I did today~joined the march. Disappointed that more of the homeless did not join the small parade. Or even homed people struggling to keep the roof over their heads.

As always, the 'get a job' hecklers, heckled~many from the balcony's of those nice, new, expensive condos that were built especially for people who can afford nice expensive condos. What part of affordable housing do they not get? Many of those living on the streets have jobs. Many are disabled veterans of war, or mentally unstable elderly people. Some retired Seniors. Many have an income, but no affordable housing.

Many were downsized/outsourced/restructured out of jobs. Some lost jobs they wanted to do, because the jobs were given to illegal immigrants. Some became homeless due to a health issue~no affordable health care, and they were up the creek, or more aptly, out on the streets. Once on the streets, the road back to employed, is often impossible. That is what Homeless Awareness is about~to educate JQ Public.

Many homeless once owned homes, were college educated, business owners, taxpayers. A large number of Long Beach's homeless are Veterans, many fought in Viet Nam. They became addicted to alcohol or drugs to deal with the horrors of war and atrocities they were made to perform. They often suffer from Post Traumatic Stress. Get a job? Walk a mile in their shoes and maybe you will get a clue.

There was a professional photographer at the event that caught my eye~the eco-friendly one on a bicycle. He goes to most of his assignments on bike. Read more about it at his website Russ Roca dot com. I got tired of waiting in line for a hot meal; missed the bag lunch, and the program sponsor that was providing the marcher with food was not there yet, so here I am next door to Lincoln Park at the library. Was told the food provider's name was James Brown, but not that one.

Most homeless people long for a home to go home to; just need a little hand up to achieve the American dream. I am available for work, what do you have to offer?

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