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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fit Number Two

The next morning after my first fit, I was woken at a bit past 7AM by Bill yelling at gate for Chris to open it. Complex fault for not having intercom system. Have lived in others like that, wtf, if they are locked/gated buildings, they need to have a way for people to announce themselves to the renters. If it were someone else, say, yelling for Jerome, it would not have been so terrible. BUT it was Bill and it came on the morning after my fit that kept me awake well past midnight, due to state of agitation.

Why is Bill allowed on the property? He was evicted and by the way Chris snuck him into the building over the summer, I thought he was banned from the building. I did not complain about his presence to manager, because thank you lord, thank you Jesus, it was the only time Chris kept his door shut, not just overnight, but during the day. Hallelujah, praise be to god.

I was surprised that I did not hear Bill and Chris talking, nor Chris' two telephones ringing. Oh, once or twice, Chris would step out of his apartment, close door, speak on cell, but the conversations were uncharacteristically short and he scurried right back inside.

That had nothing to do with fit number two; just had me wake in another foul mood, perhaps making my fit from the night before continue all day long and for a few days afterwards.

No, fit number two was John running his bathwater for two hours starting at 11:30PM. Maybe I wrote about that one already. Seems like I did. BRB

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