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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

At Wits End

When I wrote "she's off", I meant: I have reached my level of endurance. Three fits in as many weeks. Last night's was particularly brutal.

The first was when neighbor John started singing in his bathtub with radio blaring at 11:30PM. I had already listened to him doing whatever he does in the kitchen from 9:30PM until the time he started running his bath water. I was tired. Wanted to go to sleep early, like by 10PM, but all that slamming, banging, rattling noise he was making, I knew it was not happening.

Who hammers at that hour? Not that he was hammering, but that is what one of the noises sounded like. Prior to 9:30AM there was more kitchen noise, on and off for a couple of hours. What ever is he doing in there? It is a small kitchen!!! Good news is he no longer listens to Karaoke full volume in his kitchen. One noise sounded like he was using a plunger. A recurring noise that always startles me, sounds like someone dropped a barbell on the floor. Does he lift weights in that tiny kitchen?

So hello fit when he pumped up the volume, oh, no, no no, no no, not gonna listen to his squeaky horrid voice; bang, bang, bang on my bathroom, along with my mouth, which once started would not shut up. Out of control, stomping 'round my kitchen, jumping on floor ~ I found a spot that when I kick it with heel of my shoe, it creates a metallic vibrating pinging. Interesting.

That fit continued on the next day. Me purposely and repeatedly opening, closing kitchen cabinets and drawers, slamming them, rattling the silverware, stomping on floor, a few knocks on my wall. I start kicking the bathroom floor as I sit on toilet, rhythmically like drumming. I even opened and slammed hallway dresser drawers for good measure. Do not even know for sure if he was home, or could hear MY noise if he was in his bedroom.

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