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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Jury Duty

Did not get proper sleep for months. Neighbor Chris' constant ringing telephones, answering machine, voices leaving him messages. As early as 5AM and as late as 11PM, maybe midnight. Problem easily solved: Close the door. His. Whoever leaves a door wide open after they go to sleep at night. None of my neighbors in none of the apartment buildings where I have ever lived. If he can not show respect for the old lady across courtyard from him, who does not appreciate seeing his big, fat butt, when she opens her door to let some air inside, because she can not do so during the day, due to his constant, extremely loud talking, and ringing telephones...

Jury Duty. Okay, so the lack of proper sleep just got worse, due mainly to John's late night noise, TV on all night, blaring his radio as he sings along in the tub at 11:30PM and sometimes Doug's music. Should never hear Doug's music, he lives on other end of building across from mine. Especially should not be forced to listen to the thumping, throbbing music for hours on end after midnight.

Jury Duty. Why can I not simply say "sleep disturbances"? Blog posts are to be short. Anyway, I was frantic for two weeks prior to Jury Duty, trying to regulate my sleep patterns. Get back to the old me, that was up at 6AM every morning. Frantic to go to sleep at 11PM and some nights tired enuff to do so at 10. But not allowed, due to F***ing disrespectful neighbors and manager who allows them to violate complex Rules and Regulations.

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