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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

6AM Wake Up Call

I finally had to call my daughter to give me a wake up call on Jury Duty morning, who, btw, sent me an alarm clock radio for Xmas. The week went like this: do not need to appear Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Phew, all that worry for nothing. No way would they have us appear on a Friday. Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas.

Reason I thought we would not need to appear on Friday. City budget cuts. Stuff is closed on Fridays. I guess the Jury pool got depleted. Well, I woke up at 3AM to empty bladder (or was it 2?). Then fear of not being up in time, caused insomnia, so was wide awake (well not wide, could easily have gone back to sleep by 6) and mostly dressed when I got my 6AM wake up call.

Had to be at courthouse at 7:45AM. Took an earlier bus, rather than risk being late. Did not expect to see a line waiting at Jury Duty entrance. I guess they do not let people start going through security until 7:45. I thought I had to be in the Jury Duty room by that time. Knowing I was going to have to use a restroom, feared I would be late. Needless worry. Orientation did not start until a bit past 8AM.

Could not do online Orientation. For some unknown reason PDF does not work on this laptop. Came with it. Adobe? Or whatever. In addition had to print out completion form and do not have a printer. Bah. Thought I could do the orientation, then go to library and print it out. Nope. People who did take orientation got to show up much later than the rest of us. 500? A thousand?

Do not know. Do know I was not the only one unpleasantly surprised when we learned we had to show up on Friday, after escaping it all week.

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