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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Water, Water, Everywhere

Nothing to say, title just popped in my mind due to deleting an email reminder about Blog Action Day a few minutes ago. It has been a few weeks since I wrote my post to be published on Friday, October 15, 2010...

...hey, it's National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a golden opportunity for all bloggers to blog about that subject, but water was the topic chosen by votes.

The email was to let us know that the White House and (I forget) UK (something or other) have joined bloggers in blogging about the same topic on Blog Action Day. I was also asked to ask all my friends who blog to do likewise. Gee, none of my friends blog and I do not seem to have any Blogger friends...

Truly a (okay what word do I use so as not to be offensive), an idea that has merit. If all people who write blogs write about the same topic on the same day, we are sure to educate and make a positive change and end DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WHICH OFTEN LEADS TO HOMELESSNESS...

Just being silly there. I would be real embarrassed if a BAD team member (did they realize they named themselves bad?) sopped by and read this. I did not register my blogs as I have done in prior years. I was likely dreaming that a bunch of blog action bloggers would pop by and leave a comment.

I may have mentioned this on my soon to be published BAD post ~ how many different ways can we speak about water conservation, especially since BAD staff sends out a list of things we can do, well ahead of BAD arriving. How many people want to read the same thing over and over again on thousands of blogs, not many, or at least not me.

If you want info about Blog Action Day, do an Internet search, I am still too tired to be bothered adding links. Apologies.

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