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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Power Outage

Electric went off for a couple of hours the other morning. Later, lady at mini-mart told me it is going to be out again on "Tuesday" which is today (when published it is Monday as I type), from 4AM to 10AM. No amount of searching brought up any news reports about the power outage, nor planned one, nor why.

What that means to me is when I wake in the morning I can not hobble to the kitchen, pop water in microwave to heat to make coffee, hobble back to sit on couch, turn on laptop to pass some time until I feel better and can get on with the day.

Of course, addicted, sunless and cold mornings, I tend to stay online for many more hours.

Homeless mornings I had to hobble a whole lot further ~ back up, did not hobble first go-round it was the second time around walking became painful ~ did not hobble to get a morning hot cup of coffee. And when I invested in a jar of instant coffee (contents dumped in plastic baggie to remove weight of jar) I often used hot sink water to make my own.

This morning (Monday) I did not wake until 9AM which is way late for me. Reason being I was annoyed about Bill (visiting Chris?) talking, talking, talking, well past midnight. I wrote another article, even though I have not spell-checked the three waiting upon me submitting for publication.

Previously I could publish instantly because I was not submitting for upfront payment, just "no pay, only pageview bonus" ~ I do not deal with the anxiety of waiting upon an offer (usually less than $4.00) nor deal with the rejection very well. I put my heart and soul into that article, I did the SEO thing, I ...

Not sure why I am trying article writing again, well I am sure, it is called desperate for some spare change. Anyway now AC reviews everything, except I did instant publish something and now I am confused. I did not want to re-write Brother Solomon Burke Dies At Airport! and submit as news, which may have upped chances of getting my mini-tribute to the "king of rock and soul" published in a more timely manner. I actually hate reading any AC news article.

Lindsay Logan Arrested! (or was that Paris Hilton? ) ~ see, no AC writer is reporting anything we have not already seen or heard on TV. The exception to that would be if I wrote about something happening in Long Beach. Only AC has strict rules on local news reporting. Can no longer write about what I read in the Press-Telegram or Gazette, link to and quote from article.

They want photographs, they want us to interview, say, the cop who arrived at the murder scene first, and we will pay you all of $3.92 for doing so. No thank you. Even if I had teeth.

Gee, I was speaking about power outage...

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