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Monday, July 13, 2009

Long Beach Homeless Count

According to a Press-Telegram article, the Department of Health and Human Services reported results of a homeless count. The number increased from 3,829 in 2003 to 3,909 this year. The count included people living in shelters. The number of children on the streets decreased from 684 to a mere 452. I wonder, however, how many street kids ~ older teens were willing to be counted. Teen runaways do not want to be sent back to abusive homes and are likely to avoid authority figures.

Another survey is being conducted by Long Beach Connections. 125 volunteers will have homeless answer a six-page survey on July 21 through July 23. If it is not a misprint, the survey will take place from 5 to 7:30AM. I wonder if sleeping homeless will be woken up to take the survey. I was always up and out, of anyplace I slept, by 6AM or earlier due to my insomnia issues. I was an early bird compared to many of my homeless peers.

The purpose of the survey has two purposes. The first is to find homeless most vulnerable to death and place ten of those people in housing within a month. The second purpose is to find out exactly who the homeless are in an effort to bust stereotypes.

The survey will concentrate on the area west of Alamitos and south of Anaheim to the beach.
Volunteers will be trained on July 20. If you want to volunteer, call Grace Yi at 323-644-2213 or email her at gracey at path dot org.

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