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Thursday, February 02, 2023

West Coast


You’re from the coast, so California, Washington, Oregon, or Nevada are probably home. You’re used to having severe weather warning drills at school, and your dinner every night was probably In-N-Out Burger.
---I took one of those long, clickbait quizzes:Can We Guess Which Region You Are From?
Actually, the link I clicked on said: Can We Guess Where You Grew Up In 20 Questions.
I kept looking for something that said how many questions I answered ~ there was a bar below the quiz % complete, but it seemed I answered way more than 20.
None of the above would have been some of my answers. How do I like my steak? Well, I stopped eating steak before I became homeless ~ could not chew it due to dentures. Work? I am retired; I think I choose sales; trying to earn a living via blogging was why this blog exists, so...
Vehicle that I own? Do not own one. Choose 'family car." I never had a severe weather warning at school. That due to me choosing "tornadoes" as weather that scares me. I could have chosen hurricanes or flooding, I suppose. I rather liked hurricanes, but never experienced the kind they get in Florida. Have never been in danger of floods, except, perhaps fear of a tsunami in CA. 
There was a tsunami warning in Long Beach, but the wave that hit did little more than drain tidepools before filling them again. Not sure if tidepools is the correct term Wetlands?
How do I get to work? I do not ~ I have, in the past, drove, used public transit or walked/biked to work ~ so all of the above? I choose "work remotely." 
How do I start my mornings? Coffee and TV even though I do not much do TV ~ more like Coffee/Internet. 
I never did Fast Food for dinner every night ~ but I did choose In-N-Out burgers as my favorite fast food place. 
I kept thinking they were going to say I grew up in the South ~ word most familiar with ~ y'all (pop, could be father or South Jersey soda; gnarly might have been my first choice, but y'all would be one I used a lot, do not recall last word choice.) 
When you see a stranger ~ answer might have been "depends on the stranger," but I choose "inviting," because I seldom feel threatened by stranger and always give smiles and nods to people. 
A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet. unknown author
Would money make my life better? Maybe. I choose "roller skating, biking, jogging" instead. At the moment I seem to be on my last legs ~ still using walker when I leave apartment and legs feel weird all the time.

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