Robert Garcia is placing his hand on the Constitution, along with a Superman comic book when he takes oath of office.A lot of people made rude, negative comments about Mr. Garcia on a Yahoo shared headline news article. Some placed him in the same category as George Santos. I think people just rush to comments, rather than read the articles.
Ah, the Christians ranting, the comment war begins! One gave proof that the Bible was used to write the Constitution ~ "in God we trust," "under God," "so help me God." I am not sure when placing hand on Bible as one swore to tell the truth, the whole truths, and nothing but the truth in a court of law started.
Perhaps 1956 when the Treasury department added in God we trust or maybe that was the year Eisenhower added the words "under God" to the 1923 pledge written by a pastor to help boy scout troop with memorization. I do not know if the Bible gives instructions on how to run a country, how to elect officials, voting rules, reasons to impeach, and so on. The only evidence I see of the Constitution mirroring the Bible would be men ruling over women, women to remain silent, to keep heads covered.
Amendments righted that wrong. They had slavery in the Bible. Even as they argue that Garcia is anti-American for not wanting to place hand on the document he is swearing to protect, defend, etc, they ignite a debate about Constitution being written on Bible principles.
Me? I am all for using the document. Whenever did swearing on a Bible cause people to tell the truth, or in DJT's case obey oath of office. I think Senator Garcia is a superman for bucking tradition.
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