From an old blog:
Domestic Terror
Sunday, June 4, 2006
If it happens in the home, it's "domestic" and somehow a lesser crime, then if the same acts were done to strangers. It becomes their problem, a family matter, is the attitude. I wonder...
"...researchers found the most direct connection to violence in kids ages 7 to 13 is how much violence they've seen and experienced at home. The amount of aggression children witness in their parents is a powerful predictor of how violent the children will become..."
"If the police, the press and city officials really wanted to stop violence in the streets, they'd stop violence against women in their homes. This isn't rocket science. It isn't even feminism. It's just common sense..."
"By far the vast majority of the violence kids witness at home is violence against their mothers or step-mothers by her male partner. Fully one-third to one-half of all calls to police nationwide are to report violence against women by their husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends or ex-boyfriends – more by a factor of ten than calls to report gang violence."
Women are mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and lovers. Isn't it about time we were treated with dignity and respect? To be handled as gently as a rose petal, is how Ms Marion put it. Not used, abused, neglected, betrayed, beaten, terrorized, raped.
Many homeless women ended on streets due to domestic violence. Many teens on the streets fled abusive home life. I am guessing one of my old blogs I did a lot of research on domestic violence.
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