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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Bed Bug PS

 My brother & his wife paid a read visit taking me out to lunch. Later that night, ring finger on left hand was itching like crazy. I assumed a bug bite. I am always swatting away pesky little plant flies in my apartment. That day I shooed gnats away walking from car to restaurant. I have terrible allergic reactions to gnat bites. It often becomes a Cellulitis infection. When I know I am going to be outdoors for a while, I slather myself with Skin So Soft lotion, which is supposed to repel the gnats.

A few weeks later went to breakfast with one of my daughters. That night I fingers on my left hand started itching like crazy. Later started itching on left and right side of back. How could a bug bite me through clothes? Especially the one on the left side of back which was almost under bra bottom. I asked daughter to look at the back bites. She did not see 3 in a row. 

They call bed bug bites "breakfast, lunch, dinner" for their distinctive 3 in a row bites. A fallacy; It means 3 bugs were feasting at the same time. I used a hand mirror to look myself. Appeared to be two bites on the left and three in a row on the right. 

I ordered bed bug spray and bed bug glue traps. She said I should call office. I wanted to wait to be sure. I did not want to deal with the 2020 treatment mess. I did remove and wash all bedding, seal in plastic after dried. I bought two small bins and packed away my hanging clothes (t-shirts, jeans, etc) in plastic bags, into the bins. 

I examined the bed, taking mattress and slats off, washing them with a vinegar and soap spray. I found something that may have been a bed bug egg.Then sprayed around the bed frame, on the floor under bed before returning slats and spraying them. I also sprayed the couch. I can not fall to sleep on the bed and found I could fall to sleep on sofa watching TV. I wake around 3AM to empty bladder, turn off TV and sleep the rest of the night in the bed.

 Went to breakfast with other daughter. I think, or was it dinner? More itching followed. Along my chin and on bone below that. The next morning I found a bug in a glue trap. Before I could call office to notify them that I had bed bugs, a maintenance guy knocked on the door. Julio said he was checking for critters due to cases of bedbugs found in both buildings. Did I mind? No, I did not mind; I have them. I showed him the trap. He said I should have told the office first bite.

LOL "Look I have a bug bite on one finger!" Julio got exterminator to inspect after his inspection. They did not find any bed bug activity. I also showed him my glue trap. I had to offer them both my magnifying glass as the bug was too tiny to see it. A little brown dot. magnified can see the gross body and legs. 

I do not recall when my eyelid started itching. After getting bites on my right thumb and wrist, I got to thinking the eyebrow itching was due to bites. OMIGOD FML as theysay. A few days later bites on left thumb and wrist. I should call office to let them know the treatment did not work. 

I just started unpacking some things. I finally made my bed. I slept on sofa exclusively. I had been taking naps on the bed laying on bedbug plastic mattress cover. Took sheets off bed; checked frame, sprayed, blah, blah. I put blankets and pillows in dryer as instructed to do. My Skin So Soft lotion gone. I have been slathering myself with outdoor insect repellent of Skin So Soft sunblock that is also supposed to repel bugs. 

I need to stop doing that prior to bed and to sleep on bed. I need to test for bites. Dread it.

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