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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Victory House

I did not get permission to use this photo, but it is my daughter, Dawn and her husband Mike preparing a meal at the Victory House in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania.

The Victory House is a 40-bed nonprofit organization helping homeless men, both veterans and non-veterans, between the ages of 18 and 65. The facility

"...provides 24-hour emergency shelter, transitional housing and supportive services such as counseling, life skills education, medical care and employment assistance to males who have found themselves displaced due to recent incarceration, mental health or substance abuse issues or other related dependency problems. "

Victory House is located in Bethlehem, just across the river from where Mike and Dawn live. They volunteered to help with meal preparation through a Facebook group and small local organization, Project Sunshine. My other daughter and husband also participate in Project Sunshine's endeavors to help community members less fortunate than themselves.

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