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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Blog Popularity

Some people have the gift of gab ~ or know how to write a fun article, such as author of this article on blog popularity.

Truly did not learn anything new about blogging, yet enjoyed the article. Some advice for the unpopular blogger:

"register with a blogging community" ~ not only registered with quite a few, was active in reading other blogs and leaving comments

"Comic Sans? Yeah, unless you're making fun of them, avoid anything that remotely resembles that unholy trinity of hideousness." ~ oops, Comic Sans was my fav type

"controversy is a blog's best friend" ~ I can be as offensive as the best of them, yet tend to delete posts that are insulting or critical of people I know. A now gone post explained: not nice to bite the hand that feeds you.

"A narrow subject is best." ~ homeless in Long Beach is quite narrow, even if there were another Long Beach homeless person blogging, our experiences would differ ~ especially if that blogger were a male There are certain aspects of homelessness that are not gender-related, but the experience is different from a male or female perspective ~ especially pre-menopausal women.

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