...straight to the ocean. Pre-homeless I participated in beach clean-ups and never missed an earth day celebration. During one of the events I was given an oil change kit for automobiles. Included was a poster: Storm Drains Lead Straight To The Ocean. Vehicle motor oil dumped in storm drains up in Los Angeles, travels straight ~ well maybe not in a straight line ~ to Long Beach. Other L.A. trash also winds up in the Pacific ocean via the L.A. river which dumps in Long Beach's waters.
I did not participate in the volunteer program to paint the logo on sidewalks above storm drains. Homeless, I saw a man stop his car and stuff trash in one of the drains along Ocean Blvd. So much trash blowing around the sidewalks and streets ~ even if a person disposed of it properly, it some times winds up on the streets. Those drains do get clogged with all the garbage.
I noticed these new grills the other day. Should have taken a photo of the one that was slightly bent with the chip bag half-in/half-out of the drain. I am sure these help alleviate the problem somewhat; better if the majority of people cared about keeping the ocean (streets, sidewalks, rivers, et al) clean.
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