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Saturday, June 26, 2010


I wish there were a way to notify everyone that sends me spam that I automatically forward it to the government agency that tracks these violators of the law. Yeah, right, I am sure they have time to track the zillions of stammers people report to them. I must account for 1/2 a zillion of the ones they get weekly.

I used to belong to a lot of business forums. I would check out online biz ops ~ most your basic get-rich-quick-schemes. Through that activity I learned that some of these businesses tell newbies how to bypass people's email account filters. You probably know it ~ change the spelling.

Dummies. If someone creates a filter, they obviously are not interested in a particular product. How dense are these people! Do they think they will win my sales by annoying me to death?

I do not have a member. I not want to increase the size of the thing I do not have. Oh, the variations they use for Viagra and I kinda resent seeing that P-word in the subject of spam that got past my filters. Replica watches and all kinds of pharmeceuticals also keep showing up. I create a filter, they change the spelling.

I have a spam free email account. I am afraid to share it anywhere with anyone, even friends. One of the ways spammers garner email addresses is to start one of those forwards on its travels. I used to wonder why anyone would say "and if you love me you will send it back to me" ~ 'cause then when I do, they have to send it back to me and I have to send it back to them.

The reason is, the phishing sites machines is looking for active email accounts. Once you send it back, the spamming begins. Those machines also look for email addresses they can use to spam others. Stuff like Facebook's Koobface virus is spread when a machine reads contact lists, finds unhidden emails, uses one to send to all contacts ~ the one who gets the email believes it is from the friend, clicks on the link and hello virus.

One of my homeless peers ~ his email is spamming me ~ I believe the machine doing it, got a hold of his e'dress at Facebook. Perhaps dealing with spam is a little thing, but I have started getting spam in my Inbox ~ wonder if it is related to the friend with the comprised e'dress.

Doubt that spammers will read this: if you do, my advice to you is build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. Spamming is against the law. I hope you all get caught.

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