Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Coming of Age

"I carried everything I owned around like a homeless man", said R. Dwayne Betts in A Memoir of Learning, Surviving, & Coming of Age in Prison. He was given a trash bag to stow his possessions when being moved from one cell to another.

This is another book that I did not finish. Author quite intelligent, writes well and perhaps if I continued reading would have learned what I most wanted to know. He does not mention being part of any gangs and I am curious where he got the gun that he held to a man's head in a carjacking. Age 16, caught and off to jail he goes.

Sad that so many young play with guns like they were toys. Back in the Pocono's a much younger boy got a gun from his father's locked gun cabinet, playing Clint Eastwood, make my day with a friend and that was the end of his life. This particular child was educated about guns; his dad a hunter and yet when his friend wanted to handle the weapon, he snuck it out of the case while his mother walked to the grocery store.

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