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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Street News versus Paper News

Saw in the Press Telegram's online newspaper that the man that murdered Deanna was sentenced to life in prison. Because he is addicted to a drug and has Attention Deficit Disorder his lawyers are calling for a re-trial saying that statements to the police admitting his guilt should not be used as evidence. Um...

I am not going to look for my blog post where I repeated what I was told by street people~the couple that said they stopped the two men from burning Deanna's body. It was my understanding that her boyfriend was one of the two. The PT account tells a little different story. I wondered if the homeless that claim to have seen them light that fire were called to testify in court?

I study the man's photo reprinted in the paper; Steve something. I try to recall if I knew him from the streets~by sight. Knew a lot of Steve's, Dave's, Al's, Jim's, Joe's, Richards as well as a couple of Deanna's. Although Deanna and I often crossed paths, even at Cesar Chavez Park~she seldom if ever spoke to me. The day we sat on the curb in front of the plants at St. Lukes and chatted was fresh in my mind when I read about her death via the Internet. I had just given up the streets and went to housesit for my 5 grandcats and grandog while my daughter and son-in-law were off to Europe on a business trip/vacation. As mentioned I know more than one Deanna and I thought: I hope it is not her. Well, hope it was not anyone actually, but you can not un-hope the dead. So sad.

It seems to me their were eye-witnesses to the setting fire to her body in a shopping cart. ADD and drug addiction does not excuse the brutal crime.

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