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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nora Ephron on Bag Ladies

"But the other day, on the street, I passed a homeless woman. I have never understood the feminists who insisted they were terrified of becoming bag ladies, but as I watched this woman shuffle down the street, I finally understood at least my version of it. I don't want to be melodramatic: I am never going to become a bag lady. But I am only about eight hours a week away from looking exactly like that woman on the street---with frizzled flyaway gray hair..."

Nora Ephron continued with her thoughts in I Feel Bad About My Neck and Other Thoughts on Being a Woman. Use link to read my book review.

Postscript: Oops, did not copy the date, I first posted this at gypsywoman.

1 comment:

Andrew said...


Really enjoying the blog. I was just trying to visit your archives, but couldn't. It seems to hang up for some reason. I hope you are well and this finds you doing good. I was hoping some of my readers would hang around and comment as well. Maybe they will in time.