Sunday, November 12, 2006

New Image Shelter

Does not take long to go from hopeful to hopeless. Just the name, "New Image Shelter", filled my head with fairy tale images of a place that would help a homeless lady, duh, create a new image. Was I ever wrong! Already wrote about that adventure in homelessness. Normally honest, I lifted this comment from the LA Blog without permission. Obviously no one comes here, so feel safe to do so. The law is I have to be notified and asked to remove it, before I can be sued and besides "Can not get blood from a stone".

"A stabbing occurred at the New Image Emergency Shelter, south of Downtown L.A.

The victim, a white woman had given a woman a cigarette a few minutes after 6:30 PM during a female smoke break. Upon reentry of the building, Michelle, who may have been a paranoid schizophrenic took out a steak knife from her pants and stabbed the woman in the back.

After the stabbing, the attacker, a tall black woman with gray hair ran from the building back to the smoke area. She was apprehended by a female security guard, named Happiness. The attacker told the guard that "something came out of the body of the other lady and threatened me and my kids. I was defending myself"

The police and ambulance took at least ten minutes to arrive. In fact, the police were the last to arrive.

It turns out the attacker had been put out of the shelter during wake-up that same morning for her threats. She was let back in because the shelter manager forgot to put it in the book.

The knife was said to have been inside your pant leg, an area not checked by the guards when searching clients upon arrival.

This is supposedly the first incident of its kind, and it is being blamed on the high amount of mentally ill coming to the shelter that are not on medicine. It would seem that in an effort to save money that New Image hired former clients to serve as security, therefore few have guard cards. Further, the case management is also served by former clients, so there is little known of the inherent mental issues that plague the majority of the clients they serve.

The other problem is that for the number of years that New Image has been serving this population, they have failed to garner a network of supporters.

They have no licensed counselors or doctors on call to help identify potential problems.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time controversy has hit New Image, which is run by sisters Brenda and Linda Wilson. In Dec. 2006 they made the decision to house residents in a tent without proper heating.

New Image was founded over over 14 years ago in Long Beach, CA. They are considered one of the largest shelters in Los Angeles with nearly 600 clients per night in peak months."

Funny, when I was there I was not allowed to keep my "rat tail" hair brush or metal hair pick with me. Ditto folding scissors I used to cut my nails. The hair brush handle was heavy duty plastic and the pointed edge was somehow blunted through years of use. I did not have a comb (use my pick for that) so had no way to take care of my hair when I got out of the shower.

After searching our bags, we had to stand with arms outstretched, legs apart so that the female guard could run the metal detector over our bodies. Humiliating. Especially when the male guard did it, being sure to touch my whole body as he did so. "Oops," he said, "thought you were a guy." We both knew he was lying. I was in the women's line.

They also would not allow anyone to bring umbrellas inside the shelter and other things that could be used as a weapon. Everything was left at the front desk and you picked the stuff up on the way out in the morning, just before getting on the bus.

I did not read about December's tent incident. The ladies from LA's New Image are much loved by the homeless people. They ran the Winter Shelter in Long Beach 2004/2005.

posted Sunday, May 6, 2007


william Menjivar said...

as a former employer of skid row i can tell you that of every person that walked in our doors on san julian between 6th and 7th every single one of them that could speak english would tell us of how absolutely sickening the new image shelter were and of how the staff, (if you want to call it that,) was just adding fuel to the already uncontrollable fire that is the new image shelter. their lack of judgement and desire to be feared instead of respected has turned them into the prison tower watchmen. most of them from personal experience with an itchy trigger finger. their treatment of the common undocumented immigrant woould stem from the nazi encampment of the jews. the rest of those people who need friendship are herded into stinking buses and quickly forgotton. out of sight out of mind. then at 7am there they were waiting for me to open the door. were is the compassion our lord teached. why this place is still operating next to the other big boys on the block, (u.r.mission, l.a. mission, midnight mission) is a mystery even to the two supposed persons in charged. lets just say they have now entered into a covenant with their bank accounts. i wish this world would really take a look at what this world is. i tried but i myself was run out of skid row because i wanted to help. i was run out not by the people i tried to help but by the people who were paying me to help. it would really be nice to see a change but i hate to be the bearer of bad news, it wont happen, not now, not later. do the best you can do and try to avoid the whole subject. also while yoour at it learn to live with the shame and guilt of the fact that you never tried to help.

william Menjivar said...


alyceclover said...

Hello William, you do not have a Blogger profile. I normally talk to people via our blog comments.

I am no longer homeless. I took my homeless memory posts offline. I wrote more extensively about my street living experiences on those posts.

Had read often: "They don't avail themselves of services". When I was new to the streets I was gung ho on availing myself. NI was the start of knowing why some homeless will not avail themselves.

I understand how hard it would be to control a group with people under the influence of various substances, mentally unstable and just plain rotten (such as people who will steal a gold chalice from a church that provided temp shelter).

Yet I felt I was in a jail where I was allowed to leave in the morning. The crime, I learned, is being homeless.

Many of the workers there and other shelters I stayed in Long Beach, were former homeless and on an ego trip. Rather like a pecking order: well, they (mis)treated me this way, now I get to do it to you.

Prior to being homeless one of my volunteer activities was, ironically, helping prepare/serve food to the hungry. I learned that not all the people who eat at 'soup kitchens' are homeless.

alyceclover said...

You can contact me at Gmail. alyceclover

Unknown said...

I can tell you while many make this incident seem, the participant's mental condition... it is however the over " Incidences " plural that take place.

Thurman Robinson Sr. " Speech Speech Speech

I once told the owners "Face to Face" on many occasion, the numbers of individuals were too high, and that it resembled a "SLAVE SHIP " in every since of the words. At that time they were considering expanding this same place located on broadway...

Security antagonizes the worst and not by any means professional treatment or atmosphere, but preferential treatment and discriminatory treatment...


Fighting and Over-Crowded conditional -- for example, when I was there-- A lady shouted " That I was touching her " Oh MY Goodness.. I attempted to explain that Louis, a French speaking African Lady... was super imposing the situation... I was in line with 20 ppl before and after me.. in a space so consolidated that If I breathed - I could not only touch her, but two others as well.

What Am I doing Today......


Unknown said...

This Shelter is Equally comparable to a SLAVE SHIP, except it is owned by African Americans

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