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Sunday, January 23, 2011


Temp below says 78 degrees in Long Beach. I would not have guessed it; had the space heater on most of the day. Did not open back door this morning, due to John being in his kitchen. Did not open front door to check air temp, either. Bill and Chris gabbing early. Chris' door was not open, which shows exactly how loud they talk, being as I can hear them from across courtyard through walls and closed doors.

If I did not need to have radio on loud enough to block out Chris and John's voices and noise, would not have kept hearing a DJ complain about the heat and "for those Angelinos who feel cheated out of winter" ~ colder temps were on the way. I did check weather map and thought it was going to be a week of cold temps.

Do miss the days when I first moved here and could open my front door and/or windows to let heat and sunshine into the apartment. If I had known it was nice and warm out there would not have sat in here. Or not. When I hear John in his kitchen early, I get knots in my stomach and usually opt to stay home.

Guess the good news is I am not sleeping on sidewalks anymore.

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