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Monday, October 04, 2010

Manic Monday

Over at Facebook, friends' wall posts are filled with manic Monday messages. On the streets, Monday was always a welcome day. Places to take showers or get hot meals were open. Fridays were the worst in anticipation of two days with nothing to do except wait upon Monday. The trek to the MSC, waiting to shower and/or do laundry could use up an entire morning. That was a good thing, only 10 or 12 more hours waiting to find a place to bed down for the night.

The Village quite often shut their doors early on Fridays which made no sense to me. Wednesday mornings services were not available due to a weekly meeting. To close early on Friday to hold a baby shower or celebrate a worker's birthday, meant an entire day of the week left homeless and mentally ill without services they depended upon for survival.

I can hear it now: want something for nothing or whatever people say about entitlement. Yet the Village got government grants to help the homeless, not to party hearty. From a former employed perspective, those little time offs from working, while being paid were always welcome. Dealing with people's misery, staff at the Village likely needs those breaks.

This did not affect me because I did not shower or do laundry at the Village. The MSC did close early at times which did affect me when I did not know about it in advance.

Other than that a day on the streets was much like any other day.

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