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Sunday, October 17, 2010

C.T. Weber

C.T. Weber is running for Lieutenant Governor of California on the Peace and Freedom party ticket. Based on answers to the California State Legislative Election 2006 National Political Awareness Test Weber supports:

*programs to provide prison imates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released
*implementing penalites other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders
*decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana

It is my understanding that inmates do learn vocational skills while incarcerated. Maybe not. More than a few inmates wind up on the streets when released from prison or jails. Finding jobs is difficult due to having a criminal record. They often resort to more crime because the situation seems hopeless. I met many of these guys while living on the streets. Females are just as likely to be in same position; do not recall the females I chatted with mentioning it, although some had criminal records.

Having programs and shelter available for inmates to go to upon release might help prevent repeat crimes and decrease the numbers of homeless, rather than increasing the numbers.

Not a pot user but feel it should be decriminalized. Long Beach jails are so overcrowded prisoners are bussed to Los Angeles jails which are likewise overflowing. Best to concentrate on violent crimes. Of course, Long Beach is hellbent on turning people who smoke cigarettes into criminals, so I suppose citizens would be dead set against even considering that people should be allowed freedom to choose to smoke weed.

People who drink alcohol are much more dangerous to society than people who smoke pot. If people were allowed to grow marijuana in their backyards or apartment, smoke a joint when they arrive home from a day's work, they would not need to support drug dealers. Yeah, drug dealers would still be busy peddling cocaine, crack, crystal, and other drugs. But jails would be less crowded if people were free to choose pot over alcohol as their recreational drug of choice.

Interested in what else Weber supports? Use this link to Vote Smart.

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