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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Perseid Meteor Shower

If skies are clear where you be, you might see the Perseid meteor shower tonight or tomorrow. Article says best seen after midnight, specifically around 2AM. Hello, most people are sleeping at those hours ~ work in the morning. Or school. Or baby needs breakfast. The babies that no longer wake parents at 2AM crying to be fed, that is.

A plus of being homeless is one is often up all night long. Outdoors awake. At least I was. Some homeless sleep well past the hour when they should be gone from public sidewalks and businesses. Security guards would roust them with warnings to be gone earlier or they would not be allowed to sleep so close to the building the guards were guarding.

What is so great about being up all night long? Beautiful deep blue sky, clear nights, full moons, stars and meteor showers. Or what, as kids we called, falling stars. It is always a thrill to glimpse those falling stars; move so quickly and out of sight. Meteor showers offer a bit more of a show. I saw many while driving home from work after midnight while living in the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania.

Do not recall if I saw any meteor showers while street living. Quite sure I did catch some falling stars. Then there was a mysterious light. Which is another post.

Interesting article from Space dot com; compared the showers to a flick of cigar ash.

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