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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Did You Know?

Did you know that if you light a cigarette at the beach, the police can arrest you and take you to jail? How sad is that. Smoking on the beach is banned. I know that. I did not know that violating the ban is a misdemeanor which gives police the right to arrest you. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Liberty means freedom of choice. I think it a tad bit extreme to take a citizen to jail for choosing to violate the ban.

Second hand smoke? I sometimes count the number of people I see on the beach, about a 1/2 mile stretch. The highest number of people I have seen thus far on very hot days was 9. The beach is wide, almost a 1/4 mile wide. Sky space is unlimited. There is usually a breeze in Long Beach, at the ocean. How could one person lighting up affect the other eight's lungs?
While back Los Angeles was attempting to outlaw fast food restaurants because fast food makes people obese. Gee, I guess people could likewise go to jail if they decided they wanted a Big Mac or KFC leg and thigh.

When people are voting to take away other citizens freedoms, they would do well to consider the time when a freedom they cherish gets added to that list.

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