Tuesday, January 29, 2013

3 to 6 months

Went to library, remembered to check Press-Telegram ads. Really hate how they changed the online ads, so never check them anymore. I want to see actual ads, not get hooked up with a service that requires searching, basically useless.

Saw a studio for $595.! Called. There is a 3 to 6 month waiting list. I get application anyway. I guess it is HUD senior housing. Decent location downtown. Kick self  'cause I think it was listed on sheet I got from Senior Center. I called some of those "affordable" senior rentals, but kept forgetting to call this one.

As mentioned, I am up and down daily now. "I will be so glad when I move from here," I think. Will not have to listen to Doug, Phil's monotone, John's voice, John's slam, bang, pounding noise late at night, new neighbors loud music, party atmosphere ~ repetitive giggling ~ must be smoking reefer I think ~ loud conversations especially late at night. Yet staying here for 3 to 6 months seems the easiest thing to do.

That is if I am approved for an apartment. If I get one there. Did not finish application yet.

I do not know if I need "reasonable accommodation." Yeah, I think I do, but not sure what that means. I also am unsure what my average 6 month savings/checking account balances are. Does that mean what my balance averages out to over a 6 month period or 1/2 a year balance. I have no idea, really. Not much is all!

Need two references. I have zero. And so it goes. Need to finish it, ask questions of the things of which I am unsure. Need to get out that list again, and see if there are any other places I can call.

3 to 6 months in limbo...

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