Sunday, June 24, 2012


Man walking medium sized black dog about 1/2 block ahead of me, crossed street, stopped to chat with a woman who had a much smaller dog. I thought their leashes got tangled, seemed they were doing a dance, yet as the man turned the corner to continue his journey, I could see the much smaller white dog was running free.

The young woman kept shouting for her dog to come, shaking a bag of something. Reminded me of other days, when I shook a cat treat box to get Havey cat to come. The woman went up her short flight of steps opening the front door, little dog came running. Ah, it worked. Nope, the dog was just playing and took off running once more, mama in hot pursuit.

As I approached the corner, I kept an eye on the dog. Do not think he will run across the street in pursuit of me. I was wrong. Just as I neared the corner, I spied a black cat creeping out from behind parked cars, getting ready to cross the street just as a vehicle was approaching from the north. Utoh, I stopped walking, just watched as dog went flying across the street after the cat. The car stopped with the dog almost under its front wheels. Good piece of driving. Do not know if the driver spotted the cat or saw the dog take off directly in front of the car's path. Phew.

I continued walking, the lady yelling the dog's name, a man chasing it as it crossed to my side of the street. The dog zipped here and there and I yelled Noda, stop, then asked the man the dog's name. He said, Yoda. Yoda evaded the guy and came straight at me, skidding to a stop. Before I could reach down to grab Yoda's collar, he zoomed around my legs and down the sidewalk, man giving chase. He thanked me for trying to help.

Yoda crossed back to his side of the street, chasing the cat to the apartment complex's hedges. Cat jumped over the retaining wall, Yoda sniffing, wagging tail, maybe unable to jump it himself. A couple did as I did, bending trying to catch ahold of Yoda, to no avail. Lady busy shaking the bag, man trying to outsmart Yoda, sneaking up from behind, me at the ready to jump in Yoda's path to get him to either slow down or go running back to where the man was sneaking up.

Nothing I could do to help, I continued walking, checking over my shoulder to see if Yoda was following or if the lady and man was able to get Yoda safely inside.

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